Who Do You Want Your Physician To Work For?
- A large profit center?
- An insurance company?
- A hospital system employing its own panel of providers?
- A hospital system that also owns your insurance plan?
- A giant multi specialty, internally referring corporation?
An Independent Provider That Works For You?
- An independent provider employed by no other entity?
- An independent provider free to treat and provide care based only on your individual and unique needs?
- An independent provider that is free to refer you to another provider or hospital that she/he determines is the best for you as an individual?
- An independent provider that is not financially motivated to refer or order test that may not be needed?
- An independent provider that chose to forego a higher income to be able to provide care without compromise?
- An independent provider that is free to spend as much time as needed to address all your concerns?
- If this is the provider you want, see our Directory Of Independent Physicians